Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why I keep a notepad by my bed

Last night in his sleep David said, "So I knew it bad. So I knew it bad" (repeat about 8 times). 

The night before he said, "The tears [like bears] were teaning [like cleaning] him up."
Me: "The tears?"
David: "Yeah, the tears... bears were hecka teaning him up." This is especially funny because he does not say hecka in real life. 

A few nights ago: "When I know no no deh deh" (repeat 3 times with hand and pointed finger in the air, right above my head). 

And my personal favorite: "I have seego but the chygo tasted like burnt lygo."

Who is this strange man I married?

1 comment:

emily rose said...

i just laughed out loud for a few minutes. i also just discovered your blog. where have i been!!!!????