Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween bitterness

Yeah yeah, David was the cutest Superman ever, blah blah blah, he's always cute. But I was a boxer! See the black eye? And the cut on my cheek?! The robe?!? Okay, it was lame. I'll admit it. I need to work on my foresight when it comes to costumes, and try a little harder to not look like a psych patient when I'm supposed to be a boxer.

Still Bitter That People Were So Excited To See Superman And No One Could Even Tell What I Was


vcouvrey said...

Linds you crack me up. It's the twin syndrome..."what about me??"
Love both your facial expressions.

Paul Cohen said...

Im going to paint that one of david. It's awesome. That's how I envision Superman in his retirement years with a lil ol' beardy