Sunday, January 27, 2013

I kissed a giraffe

I'm just going to ignore the crazy long amount of time that has passed since my last blog point, and jump right back to my trip to Kenya. You don't mind, right?

I spent a lovely morning at the Giraffe Centre in Nairobi. The center is home to a number of Rothschild giraffe, an endangered breed native to East Africa. Connected to the center is the incredible Giraffe Manor, a lodge where the giraffe are free to roam and visit the guests.

The giraffe were highly motivated by the treats the staff gave us, and would whip their heads around searching for the people with the goods. They were quite gentle, but definitely made their intentions known. They were in it for the food. It was hilarious and amazing and I loved it.

People around me were holding the treats in their mouths and the giraffe would come in for a kiss. A kiss from a giraffe? I HAD to join in. Can you sense the romance from this picture? There was definitely a spark.

Giraffe Manor, where a giraffe might stick its head through a window to say hello!


Meg said...

This made my day :)

D-Mac said...

This made my day too :)

Anonymous said...

That sucker was trying to slip you some tongue! So cute!! I bet it was a rough tongue too. Nice to see your posts every few months, that's how I've been lately too :) Trying to be better!