Friday, December 30, 2011

Letting go of fall

As expected, fall was far too short and winter is here far too soon. This fall was perfect for a birthday picnic at the National Arboretum, the mixing of new friends and old, trying out the "best new sandwich in America" (doubt it), walks involving the carrying of large sticks, and learning to feel at home here in DC. Now, to winter and a brand new year. And learning to appreciate the cold (impossible).


The Bartons said...

U look so different w/o bangs!!! Hope u guys are doing well! We think of u often! Headed to san diego in feb again! Cant wait! hugs

ebry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ebry said...

oh sundance and your twig-dragging ways!

p.s. can we go back to fall?? ok fine. i'll let go.

ebry said...

ok ok, i'll admit it. I spelled you're instead of your. hence the deleted post.

Fash Boulevard said...

Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest trend report & post for xo

Anonymous said...

Good, good times. :) Love you!