Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Public transportation

We took our own advice and got super adventurous this weekend - public transportation style. Over the course of the weekend we went to the beach twice, had lunch at our favorite restaurant, ate an amazing Indian dinner at a new friend's house, and went to a party at a mansion overlooking Lumley Beach. All without a car. Boo yeah! The weekend grand total:

- 8 taxis
- 4 ocadas (motorbikes)
- 4 private cars
- 2 poda podas (mini buses)
- 1 retired tour bus pretending to be a poda poda


Alt-ternative Universe said...

Good job guys! You are more transport adventurous then I am, that's for sure!

vcouvrey said...

look at you and those cute bangs!! i'm proud...of the bangs and the adventure. :)