Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome back, LOST

(Claire and Locke, duh!)

Tonight, LOST returns for its sixth and final season. Island. Smoke monsters. Jack vs. Locke. Love triangles. Jacob. Dharma. Time travel. Sayid. Answers (maybe).

My feelings for LOST are something like this: "What in the heck is happening I'M SO CONFUSED BUT I LOVE IT please never end but if you have to end please please please don't disappoint me."


Megan said...

Yay! I'm so excited! Robin is dvr-ing (is that how you would write that)....she's "recording" it for us so we may get to watch it tonight if we don't get done with college group too late. Eeeeeeeee so excited! The preview on hulu was insane!
Love you Lindsay Lu!

ebry said...

thanks for a great explanation of the frustrating beauty that is Lost.

Danimal said...

Such a joke. I cant wait till it over!

The Bartons said...

OMG- for a second I thought you were pregnant at one time and I about fell out of my seat. haha but then i realized you were dressed up. awesome. ha