Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm feeling bad

I have a confession to make. I tried to make a point of saying happy birthday to my friends and family on this here blog, but I haven't been able to keep up. It was an audacious goal, and I think I might have gotten in over my head. Instead of posting some and not others, I'm thinking I should just get better at birthday cards. That will be hard, but I'm ready to try.

So to all those summer birthday ladies I missed...Kerry, Bekah, Marek, Anna...just know I love you and I'm glad to have you in my life. And to those special cupcakes who were born 24 years ago this very day...

Happy Birthday Leigh and Erin!

This pic covers many, but not all of you special girls. To all my friends, happy birthday whenever it is. I feel like when I was little and I would pray, "God, please bless my family and my friends and EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. Amen."


Meg said...

I love this picture! Such beautiful ladies! I hope your first day went well Linds! Can't wait to hear about it :)

Leigh Pearce said...

Thanks Linds. I love you too. Miss you!

ebry said...

thanks girl! you're the bomb.... the balitmore bomb, if you will.