I saw these little guys in Santa Fe and it reminded me of a story.
David and I were driving through downtown SLO just as it was getting dark. We were looking for a parking spot, scanning the rows to the right and left, when I noticed something out of the ordinary. Extraordinary, you could say.
There, standing at the light, was a man with a very ordinary dog on a leash. And there, standing on top of the dog, was an ordinary cat. No leash, nothing tying it to the dog, just standing there on top of the dog like it wasn't a big deal at all. Wide-eyed, I stared out the window as we drove by, and the man turned and looked behind his back as if to say, "Nothing weird here. I wonder what she's staring at?" When the light turned green the 3 of them proceeded to walk across the street and through town.
It felt like I was in a world where everything is backwards yet I am the only one who notices. Like I am the weird one, and all of the people walking around with cats on top of dogs are normal. They pass each other on the street, saying, "How do you do?" to the other cat-on-dog walkers while I stare in amazement. I'll never forget it.